Online Dating Profile Examples: Now that you have picked your headline, you may wonder on how to write a catching dating profile. Here are numerous samples you can choose from. The working professional. I am a working professional who is looking for someone mature like me. You must have a job and your own place. Best Gay Dating Sites for Men Gay men stand out from the mainstream dating crowd in a number of ways, and I’m not just talking about their fashion sense. Gay singles tend to be less interested in starting a family — only 36% of gay singles say they want children one day — and more interested in having fun and hooking up.

Online Dating Photo Tips For Guys: Posing, Should Guys Smile, Should You Look At The Camera, Should You Look Away, What To Wear, Looking Too Intense, Best Photo Examples

After years as an online dating photographer and consultant for clients in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York and across the world, I have seen some pretty cringeworthy photos used by guys on dating profiles. After much press and coverage you would think guys would learn by now but no.

Dating profile pictures for guys is not rocket science, but most guys hate taking photos and most never seek out unbiased feedback from others. Some still think it’s ok to use outdated photos that do not look like themselves today for some reason – don’t be that guy, don’t use old photos to mislead matches on dating apps.

Best Online Dating Profile Photos For Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Okcupid For Men

Open any dating app today, and you will see some things you cannot unsee. Classic offenders like bathroom selfies, photos with exes and intense looks are still popular but there are many other not so obvious photos in rotation today. These photos go against the most straightforward guidelines for dating photos on the internet.

Below are some tips on how to gather and take some great photos for your profile. With high competition due to gender ratio imbalances, your best bet is to stand out from the crowd with good looks, poses and environments.

Additional Reading
: How To Look More Attractive In Your Dating Photos

How Many Photos Do You Need In A Dating Profile

Minimum 4, up to 6. This is something that should be learned by now in online dating 101. Just because Tinder gives you 9 slots and Match provides endless options doesn’t mean you need to use up all the slots. You are only as attractive as your worst photo – remember this golden rule of online dating.

Avoid duplicate outfits, backgrounds, expressions. Reduce inconsistent looks (grooming patterns, hair colors, hairstyles, weights and appearances). Use a mix of close up photos, full body photos. Mix up the facial expressions and poses.

Avoid selfies, but if you must limit to one. Avoid group shot photos in your main photo (limit rest to 1-2 max in your profile). Dress to attract the type of person you want to attract not what you feel comfortable in. Avoid dark circles, harsh lights, looking away often, photos taken below the chin and photos from weird high angles.

Should You Smile, Laugh In Your Photos

Seems obvious but no. Many guys have facial expressions that seem very intense, appear dark, look creepy, lack enthusiasm or are just unflattering. Smile or laugh too hard and you might reveal a double chin, see the back of your tonsils or highlight your nose hairs.

Not smiling well enough might suggest constipation, food coma, anger, sadness or despair. Finding the right balance is key. Surrounding yourself around close friends, family members, pets or activities, passions, hobbies can perk you up naturally.

Should You Look at the Camera In Your Pictures Or Look Away In Your Dating Photos

Too often, men don’t like their smiles, or they think their smiles make them look less masculine (this could not be further from the truth). One way men have tried to look more interesting or masculine is looking away from the camera. Side (also known as profile) photos, photos from behind, photos covering the face dark shadows, hoodies and hats all hide the face. Women want to see how you look.

Looking away can suggest insecurity, trying to hide a facial feature, lack of confidence or general disinterest. All of these can be viewed as an automatic left swipe by some girls. Own your look, look in the direction of the camera but don’t look too intense (mean look, big eyes etc.). The occasional photo looking away naturally can be effective but a series of photos looking away can suggest something more going on.

You might have seen studies or posts from dating apps like OkCupid or a few photographers stating how looking away in your dating photos is recommended. This is absolutely false. Looking away from the camera does not make you more attractive. If it works for someone you know, it’s because they don’t know how to smile, or they are more attractive to begin with. People want to see your personality, candidness, vulnerability, confidence etc. Looking away doesn’t allow people to see this.

Additional Reading: Looking Away In Photos

Avoid Trying Too Hard, Intense In Your Dating Photos

Many guys try too hard to illustrate strength, accomplishments or wealth. Don’t do this. Photos like this suggest insecurity, one-dimensional lifestyles and inability to be bold, unique and comfortable in your own skin. Spend 5 minutes on any dating app and you will find photos posing next to vehicles, photos with guns, photos at the gym, photos flexing, photos with luxury accessories, photos from expensive restaurants, lounges, bars, hotels.

One photo may not hurt you significantly but a theme of similar photos will make it obvious you are trying to cover up some emotional intelligence, personality or social skills. Also, one should note that the saying “you are only attractive as your worst photo” should resonate with the user if there seems to be a lack of likes and matches.

Dating Photo Background Locations and Environments

You don’t need to have epic photos all over the world to seem interesting but ignoring the backgrounds can be a self-sabotaging effort. If all your photos are taken at your apartment (hallway, bathroom, bedroom, living room etc.) that might suggest a lack of social life, lack of friends or lack of desire to leave your home. Everyone loves the occasional lazy morning, occasional Netflix binge but a theme of home photos can paint an unflattering picture. Adding conversation starters and talking points your bio and photos will facilitate responses from women.

Avoid Selfies In Your Dating App Photos

Spend 5 minutes and you will find no shortage of bed selfies, gym selfies, apartment hallway selfies, bathroom selfies, car selfies etc. I understand that it’s hard to get good photos of yourself but littering your profile with selfies is not only cliche but suggests lack of social circles or close relationships or fear of asking photos to take photos.

There is nothing wrong with this but dating apps that train users to make quick decisions based on limited data points will make it tough for you to succeed. Seek out events with photographers, ask a stranger to take a photo, use a tripod with timer, get friends, family members or a professional photographer to help out.

According to Hinge, selfies receive 40% fewer likes than non-selfies and bathroom selfies receive 90% fewer likes.

Misrepresentation In Dating Photos (Catfishing, Hatfishing, Heightfishing, Dogfishing)

Many guys on dating apps are looking to get that edge when it comes to their profiles. Sole inserts, misleading photo angles, old photos (more than 3 years old or those that don’t reflect how you look today), hat-fishing (using hats in all your profiles to hide baldness), photoshopping images, dog-fishing (posing with dogs that are not yours) are all techniques guys use to gain an edge.

If you manage to succeed in your photos, you will likely not succeed going from date #1 to date #2.

Be honest with yourself – work on self-improvement (exercise, eat well, be more social, research hair regrowth supplements). Many guys never solicit third party advice on their photos, app choice, bios – don’t be this guy. Get help. There is an inherent bias when it comes to perception and guys can get all the help they can use. Reducing uncertainty to any catfishing going on will help out with likes and matches.

Wardrobe: What To Wear in Your Dating Photos

BestBest Dating Profiles For Men

It’s not helpful to have good photos but also look good as well. What you wear is just as important as your expressions. Many women like to see a range of looks to show physique, give an idea of how you dress up for an event as well as how you look when you roll out of bed. Having good attire is crucial for not only showing versatility but providing insight into style, personality and appearance.

Make sure your clothes fit. Baggy items can make you look bulky, heavy. Wearing all dark colors can make you seem dark, distant, unwelcoming. Wearing graphic comic book t-shirts can make you seem childish, immature. Wearing sports items can suggest you will be glued to the TV all autumn during football season. One photo here and there will not hurt but multiple examples can suggest a lifestyle.

Best Dating Profile Pictures For Guys, Male Profile Pics

The general vibe you want to convey is approachable, confident in your own skin, unique, and interesting. Guys often times try too hard in their photos and look too mysterious, narcissistic, full of themselves or afraid to show emotion, vulnerability. What might have worked on Tinder to attract shallow women will not work for Hinge, Bumble etc. You have to step your game up but you don’t need staged, portrait type professional photos with blurted backgrounds.

How Do Guys Take Good Dating Profile Pictures: Best Hinge, Bumble Dating App Photso For Men

Smile, relax, dress well, update your wardrobe, don’t look too intense, be candid, show approachability, use good body language and posture. This is easier said than done but that’s why practice is needed. I offer Zoom classes on these items to help construct great dating profile photos. Contact me today.

TL;DR Avoid Worst Dating Photos:

-Dark photos

-Intense photos


-Blurry photos

-Distant photos

-Photos w/ cropped out people who can be mistaken for an ex.

-Group photos w/ guys who are significantly taller and/or more attractive than you

-Photos w/ low energy

-Photos taken all inside your home

-Photos with you looking away

-Photos where your appearance is too inconsistent (span a long period of time).

Dating Profile Examples

For examples on outfit inspiration, check out my Pinterest Board for men’s fashion.

Best Dating Profiles For Men

For technical aspects on great photos (distance, aperture etc, read this post on composing photos for your dating profile).

Read this post for tips onhow to get more matches from your profile and photos.

How can a guy look more attractive in a picture: Read this post for tips on how to be more photogenic.

About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie Hernandez is a professional photographer specializing in natural, candid online dating photos. Featured in the SFGate, ABC7News, East Bay Express, Salon; contributor to Good Men Project, Plenty Of Fish and Meddle. In addition to photos, he provides guidance around app choice, bio optimization, messaging techniques, wardrobe advice and date ideas.

Dating Profile Critique

For those of you who are remote or virtual dating help and are looking for anonline dating profile critiqueyou can read more about my services here.

For other helpful online dating tipscheck out my blog for more helpful advice:

Online Dating Frequently Asked Questions(Photos, App Choice, Wardrobe, Messaging, Bios and More):

Best Dating App Photos For Guys, Dating App Photo Tips For Men, Best Photos Guys Should Use On Dating Sites, Best Tinder Photos For Guys, Best Bumble Photos For Men, Awesome Profile Pictures For Guys, Dating Profile Pictures For Guys, Good Dating Profile Pictures, Best Dating App Photos, Right-Swipe Photos, Right Swipe Pics, Dating Photos For Men, Best Dating Photos For Guys, Best Photos To Use On Bumble, Best Pics To Use On Hinge, Good Photos For Tinder, Which Photos To Use On Dating Apps, Which Pictures To Use On Dating Sites, What Photos Should I Use For Bumble, Best Hinge Photos, Hinge Profile Photos, Bumble Profile Pics, Best Types Of Photos For Dating Apps, Best Male Poses, Best Female Poses, Best Dating Profile Photos For Guys, Best Dating App Photos For Girls, Best Online Dating Profile Picture Examples, How To Look Attractive In Photos, Dating Profile Picture Ideas, Tinder Photos For Guys, Dating Photo Tips For Men, Online Dating Photo Examples for Males, Bumble Profile Examples, Best Tinder Pictures For Guys, Best Bumble Photos For Guys, Best Bumble Pictures For Guys, What Pictures Should I Use For Bumble, What Are The Best Pictures For Online Dating, Online Dating Photo Guide, Dating Photo Advice, Ideal Profile Pictures For Guys, Tinder Photo Tips, Hinge Photo Tips, Best Photos To Use For Dating Apps, Best Profile Photos, Best Profile Pics, Best Profile Pictures, Best Online Dating Photos, Dating App Pictures For Guys, Best Online Dating Profiles For Men, Best Online Dating Photos For Guys, Best Dating Profile Pictures For Guys, Best Dating Photos For Men, Best Dating App Photos For Men, Best Hinge Photos For Guys, Best Hinge Photos For Men, Best Male Dating Photos, Good Photos For Bumble, Good Photos For Hinge, Good Photos For Online Dating, Good Photos For Dating Apps, Dating Profile Pics For Guys, Best Dating Profiles For Men, Best Online Dating Profile For Men, How To Look Good In Photos For Guys, Looking Away From Camera Meaning, How To Look Attractive In Pictures For Guys, Good Profile Picture Ideas For Guys, Best Photos For Dating Apps, How To Take Good Pictures For Guys, How To Be Photogenic Men, Cool Profile Pictures, Cool Profile Pics, Online Dating Profile Tips, More Attractive Profile Pics, Dating Profile Statistics, Male Profile Pics, How Do Guys Take Good Dating Profile Pictures

One of the trickiest parts of getting started with online dating is creating your dating profile. To help you out, we’ve compiled some of the best online dating profile examples for men and paired them with quick tips on what makes them great.

As you write your profile, use these online dating profile examples as inspiration and keep these tips in mind. They’ll help you write a dating profile that captures someone’s attention with the details that make you unique.

BamaBoy, 34
I’m a born and raised Alabama boy, and like any good country boy I clean up good and know how to turn on the charm. I love spending the weekend outside exploring the area, BBQing with friends, and harassing my dog. (He secretly loves it, of course.)
I will warn you that I dance like a fool at weddings. Really. I will embarrass you. But if I do my job right, you’ll be laughing too much to care.

MustLuvDogs, 33
I’m a fun-loving guy who’s a happy dog-dad to my girl Roxie. My friends would probably describe me as goofy but somehow I always end up being the responsible one. I have a lot of hobbies to keep up with. At the moment I’m focused on softball and fishing. One helps me get out and be social and the other helps me get away from it all. If you don’t mind the pup or a little bit of a goof we could be a pretty good pair.

Spaghetti Eddie, 41
I’m a creature of contradictions—An athletic bookworm, a night owl who’s an early riser, and an active guy who loves to be lazy on Sunday mornings. I’m always interested in learning new things whether it’s history, politics, or the guitar. (I started teaching myself piano last year and am loving the challenge so far.) I can also cook a mean baked tilapia or spaghetti dinner. Let me know if you’re interested or just give me some tips on my red sauce. 😉

Tip #1: Details Details Details
If you want to help someone get a sense of who you are, it’s the little things that really count. Out of all our tips, my number one is to add details to your profile. You can say you love to cook or you can share your go-to dish or talk about a recipe you’re experimenting with. One makes you sound like everyone else, the other makes you stand out. It’s the details that make your profile come alive.

Tip #2: Don’t Be Afraid of Romance
Your dating profile is one of the first opportunities to lay on the charm, so if you’re the type of guy who likes to open doors or bring a woman flowers don’t be afraid to say so. It might seem a bit cheesy to say you’re looking for someone you can watch rainstorms with, but it will tell women that you’re serious and unafraid.

Tip # 3: Give the What and the Why
Don’t just say what you love, say why you love it. It’s easy to say you love hiking or being outside, but telling people why you love the outdoors helps them get to know you more and makes your description more compelling.

FunLovin 36
I’ll admit it, I’m a little old-fashioned when it comes to my dating style. I open doors and like to go for drinks AND dinner on the first date. But it’s all part of what makes me a gentleman. I’m looking for someone who is always up for life’s adventures but doesn’t mind staying in and watching a movie when the weather calls for it. I’m a sucker for dogs. I rescued a lab a few years back and we’ve been best pals ever since. I try to eat healthy but I have a major weakness for pizza. Let me know if you want to go get a slice!

MikeyMikeMike, 30
Seems like everybody says they’re laid back on here. I’m not. I’m actually really hyper. The most laid back thing about me is my cat and even he has to get up and run laps around the room from time to time. If you like getting outside, going out, a guy who tries too hard to make you laugh, and getting to know someone who’s a little different I’d love to take you out.

JD, 34
Ok, I just have to be real… I’m a bit of a shut-in. Don’t get me wrong, I like going out for drinks and having fun but I find more peace and have more fun just kicking back. I love the beach, watching football, movies, writing music and poetry, spontaneous trips, and learning about all the things I thought I knew but now realize I had no idea about. It’s a crazy world, let’s be crazy together. 😉

Tip #4: Dare to Be Different
With so many people out there, you want to stand out from the crowd so don’t be afraid to showcase what’s ‘weird’ or different about you. Do you have an odd laugh? Freak out at scary movies? Are you blunt and to-the-point? Let people know! Even if it turns some people off, you’ll turn the right person on.

Tip #5: Stay Away from Negatives
Dating helps us learn what we do and don’t want, which is great, but don’t focus on what you don’t want in your dating profile. Maybe your last relationship made you realize that you aren’t looking for someone who goes out every night, but if you say you’re not looking for a party girl you sound negative. Instead, say you’re looking for someone who doesn’t mind staying in on a Friday night.

Sample dating profiles for men

Tip #6: Leave Them Wanting More
In the past, online dating profiles read almost like a resume—the point was to outline everything about yourself. Now things have changed and you don’t need to say a lot in order to attract the right person. In fact, it’s better if you don’t. Your profile is a preview of who you are, not the whole picture. Give people a reason to message you to learn more.

KeepOnRunning, 44
“Work hard and play harder.” A little bit about me… I’m an active single dad who loves being outdoors as much as possible. I run 12 to 20 miles a week for exercise, but when I have the time, a long hike with someone is even better. I share custody of my two awesome kids so I usually have 2–3 free nights a week and every other weekend to meet new people and hang with friends. If you’re interested, let’s start chatting.

Hometown, 28
“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” -Muhammad Ali

I grew up in the area and just couldn’t leave what has come to be my favorite place in the world. (My 14-year-old self would have never believed this.) I try to balance family, work, and time for myself and enjoy all three. I’m hoping to meet someone looking for something a bit more serious. Lately my hobbies include weightlifting, and tinkering with music (no, I will not call myself a DJ). If you want to know more, just ask.

MountainMan, 39
“Today is your day, your mountain is waiting.” -Dr. Seuss

I’m an outdoorsy guy who enjoys getting into nature as much as possible and I try to get to the mountains whenever I can. When I’m not working or exploring the outdoors, you’ll find me at home hanging out with friends and cracking jokes or downtown checking out a band I’ve probably never heard of—the weirder the better. If you’d like to spend some time outside with a nice guy, I’m the one for you.

Tip #7: Use a Quote
If you have a favorite quote or song lyric, add it in. Quotes can be a great way to get your personality across and show people what you believe in without having to explain it all yourself. Still not sure what to say? Check out our list of over 100 online dating profile quotes for some ideas.

Tip #8: Say What You’re Looking For
Do you want a serious relationship or someone who wants to have some fun? If you say what you’re looking for in your profile, you’ll attract more people who are looking for the same and weed out people who really aren’t what you want.

Tip #9: If You Have Kids, Mention Them
One of the pluses of online dating is that you can get the kid conversation out of the way early. There will always be a few people who aren’t interested in dating someone with kids, but the vast majority of online daters don’t mind. In fact, on Zoosk people who mention kids in their profile or in a first message get more responses and attention from other daters.

NotYoungStillRestless, 52
I’m 52 and I still love to go out, exercise, drive my car too fast, and play my rock n’ roll too loud. You don’t have to be into all the same things as me but it’d be great if you were up for a fast ride with the windows down and the music blasting every now and then. Other than that, I work in financial advising but now I split my time between teaching and consulting. If you’re interested say hi or tap that little heart button and I’ll see if I can give you a reason to smile.

LookingAtYouKid, 46
Nerdy. Funny. Good cook. Single dad. I love my kids and tell great stories. I’m semi-retired now after a great twenty year career in tech. I made a lot of mistakes and had a few successes so now I’m passing on my knowledge by mentoring others. But enough of work… I love planning weekend getaways to a new brewery, a great climbing spot, or even just a fun restaurant I haven’t been to. Some of the best times in life, I’ve spent sitting around tables with family and friends. Laughing and eating into the night. I guess I’m just looking for someone who wants to be there laughing next to me.

SillyBilly, 33
Astronomy, reading, coffee-shop people watching, playing make believe with my nephew, eating out on Monday nights, and staying inside on rainy days. Just a few of the things that make me happy. Maybe you can help add to the list. 🙂

Tip #10: Lists Are Your Friend
If you’re not the best writer in the world, trying listing out hobbies, facts about yourself, or your favorite things. Lists are an effective and quick way to get your personality across. And don’t forget to add those details to let your personality shine through.

Tip #11: Be More Than One Thing
If you love your job, you should definitely talk about it but make sure that’s not ALL you talk about. Same goes for your hobbies and even your kids or family. You’re more than one thing, there’s a lot that goes into what makes you who you are. So make sure your profile reflects that!

Tip #12: Be Open
Some of the best dating profiles I’ve seen are profiles where the person opens up. Maybe it’s about their dog or kids, maybe it’s their job or a favorite sports team—when someone can’t help but get passionate about something it really shows who they are. Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to get real.

If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out our Pinterest board of online dating profile examples to see more online dating profiles examples for men.

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